Invitation to the open lecture of Prof. Dr. Isabelle Oswald from the French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE): “The exposome, a challenge for the toxicologists”.
The exposome is a concept used to describe environmental exposures that an individual encounters throughout life, and how these exposures impact biology and health. In this context, toxicologists have an exciting challenge ahead of them: to analyze the effects of these mixtures and,
above all, to determine the interactions between these different compounds.
Isabelle Oswald is research director at INRAE within the Research Centre in Food Toxicology (TOXALIM). Her research focuses on the effects of fungal toxins (mycotoxins) on humans and animals using in vivo, ex vivo and in vitro models.
When: 26 November 2024 at 17:00
Where: Carl-Auer-von-Welsbach Lecture hall (Großer Hörsaal 1) in the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Vienna in Boltzmanngasse 1 / Währingerstr. 38, 1090 Vienna
The Austrian Society of Toxicology is awarding PhD students or young PostDocs (completed PhD not longer than 24 months ago), working at an Austrian university or research institution, a travel grant of up to EUR 1.000,- for the visit of a toxicological conference. The applicant has to provide an abstract for a presentation and a recent academic CV together with this application form. Submissions should be compiled to a single pdf-file and sent to contact@astox.at until January 31, 2025.
Former recipients of the „ASTOX Young Investigator Educational Enhancement Travel Award“:
- Maximilian Jobst (University of Vienna, poster presentation EUROTOX Congress 2023, Ljubljana, SVN)
- Magdalena Pöchhacker (University of Vienna, poster presentation GRC on Mycotoxins&Phycotoxins 2023, Easton, USA)
- Helene-Christine Prause (University of Vienna, talk ICHA 2023, Hiroshima, JPN)
- Janice Bergen (University of Vienna, poster presentation ESTIV Congress 2024, Prague, CZ)
- Lucia Parrakova (Medical University of Innsbruck, poster presentation EUROTOX Congress 2024, Copenhagen, DK)